divendres, 4 de novembre del 2016


Following some “easy” steps they have known what does mean being a teacher!!

1st: We have worked in the class and in the schoolyard / pitch what balance and agility means

2nd: we have remembered and learnt the name of the material we can use.

3rd: We have learnt the actions we can do to work the agility and balance: Jump (one foot jump, two feet to two feet jump, Hop, crawl, go under the…, sideways roll, forward roll, backward roll, zig-zag, walk, run,…

4th: Inside the class and in groups of 4 they have invented and prepared a circuit for working their agility and balance

5th: they have built the circuit meanwhile the others were playing a game and then, in English, they have told and show them what to do.

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